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Josh and Anne Angel started Angel Forge Ministries in their eighth year of serving as missionaries in Mexico. Previously working under Josh’s parents as pastors, teachers, missions mobilizers, and support for national leaders, they started AFM after the Angel parents’ passing in order to focus their ministry on pioneering beyond-the-building dynamic experiences that will strengthen the Latin American church as fearless followers of Christ.

Married in Wisconsin, Josh and Anne now have two children, one adopted, who are growing up fast into partners in the adventure of following God.


Accept the risk

Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. -James 1:2-3

We believe that in life, comfort is the enemy of growth. The Bible is full of examples where God asks someone to do something hard with no guarantees that it will be easy or successful, and we believe that He does the same today. He is a God of adventure, and the only way to adventure with Him is to say yes to the challenges He offers us.

Our Team

Both Josh and Anne have long experience serving in missions and the local church. At AFM, Josh leads and directs The Forge Leadership Institute and camp programs, while Anne serves as chief administrator for the ministry, events, and missions teams. Anne also loves to write and has self-published a book about Eve and a poetry blog.

Josh Angel

Anne Angel
