January passed in a whirlwind of activity. Josh had two classes for his four staff guys that are developing as leaders: one class on Land Navigation – using compasses and maps to pinpoint locations – and the other to certify them as first aid instructors.
Then, at the most recent camp last weekend, he shared the teaching responsibilities, and so the staff taught the classes on fire, water, and knots, each also sharing a spiritual reflection. He said they did a great job, and it’s exciting to see what God is doing as we partner with Him to make disciples that will make disciples.
Edier, our Colombian intern from last year, had moved away for a while, but now he has returned and is more creative and committed than ever to growing the presence of La Forja on social networks so that more young people will be inspired to come out for training, adventure, friendship, and growth as leaders and in God’s plan for their lives. That’s a huge blessing because we found out without him that we’re not that good at making videos by ourselves. 😅
CPR class during Module 1. For more pics, check out the link.
Other News
So, we are starting 2025 encouraged and busy. We are currently enjoying a visit from Annie’s dad, which will include a trip to Michoacan to visit our friends the Clementes and getting Pastor Tom’s One Thing devotional translated into Spanish. Annie is helping develop Sunday School curriculum and worship ministry at our new church, while we continue supporting Beto and Lourdes in their mission to Ex-Hacienda’s rural community. Josh will be offering regular one-day workshops in survival skills in order to broaden the number of people that can participate in and become acquainted with La Forja.
Josh also turned 44 this month, so we are successfully growing old together! 😆