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The Dream-Killer

This has been helping me lately.

“The Dream-Killing Giant has lived in Mexico for centuries. He’s a strong man that specializes in extinguishing hope and thwarting even the best laid plans. The country is full of the walls and traps he has placed to ensure that the maximum number of people will fail, give up, lose, and retreat. He has placed a hard limit on achievement, success, and advancement, usually only allowing the illusion of those things in exchange for compromise with darkness. His work is evident when people reduce their goal- and reward- seeking behavior to the smallest possible domain and feel immediate despair and exhaustion at even the thought of trying to walk forward into God’s best.” 

“But he can be defeated. Refuse to lose heart. Find the dreams – God’s dreams – and speak life into them. Take them out of the Dream-killer’s domain and protect them under the shield of faith where they cannot be trampled into the ground. Plant them in the soil of God’s goodness and declare life over them: that they will grow and bear the fruit they were intended to bear.” 

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